Австралийская федерация самбо сообщает

Posted 21 November 2010 · (11371 views)

Австралийская федерация самбо сообщает
Фото сайта www.coreedaoz.com

Мы получили новую информацию о работе секций самбо в Австралии от секретаря федерации Гэвина Диксона (Gavin Dickson). За короткий срок группы самбо были открыты во многих городах Австралии. Автор приглашает всех заинтересованных в распространении этого вида спорта. Материал публикуется на английском языке.

The Australian Sambo Federation http://www.coreedaoz.com/main/page_australian_sambo_federation.html

At long last we are building a nationwide network for sambo training & our president Victor Serga is inviting all Sydney residents to now join him at training on Monday from 4pm till 6pm (and then from 8pm till 9:30pm) and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm at 420–422 Oxford St Bondi Junction (Trilogy Academy). You can see more at this website http://www.igor-at.net/

In Western Sydney classes will be starting at the Mt Druitt PCYC http://www.pcycnsw.org/mtdruitt early next year with Stephan Jaeggi stephanjaeggi@bigpond.com as coach & Terry Derwin terryderwin@ozemail.com.au of the Sport & Combat Martial Arts Club http://www.sportcombat.com.au/index.php will train anyone wanting to prepare for tournaments. Agasi Aroutiounian agasi_aroutiounian@hotmail.com has classes in Merrylands alongside BJJ & wrestling http://www.trimandtone.com.au/ & Phil Chapman of Sensei Martial Arts Supplies in Rooty Hill senseismartialarts@yahoo.com.au as always is a big supporter of any developments in the West, he will order any kurtka jackets for people needing them.

In West Hoxton Jordan Micakovski unitedkempo@hotmail.com of the United Kempo Martial Arts Academy http://www.blackbeltacademy.com.au/home/ is now training fighters for sambo tournaments.

In the Southern Highlands south of Sydney Terry Williams auspankration@gmail.com is merging sambo with pankration as per his website www.southernjujitsu.com & Terry Riches terryr@exemail.com.au of the International Budo Federation Australia http://www.ibf.com.au/index.html has included the ASF as an affiliate member of this organisation, which broadens our network even more.

In Perth our friend Imran Szabo arad1991@hotmail.com already has classes as per his website http://www.sombowrestlingacademy.com.au/

In Brisbane Joe Saunders joesaunders@progressivedefence.com is adding sambo to his curriculum as per his website http://www.progressivedefence.com/

On the Gold Coast Drew Weeks drew_weeks1@hotmail.com will be getting his judo instructors Ken Matsuto emmagirl@westnet.com.au & Yoshi Ashida ashy0803@hotmail.com to add sambo training to the classes as Ken was once a member of the Japanese sambo team

In Hobart Adam Newton adam@bjjhobart.com is planning on adding sambo to his training schedule www.hybridtraining.com.au

In Melbourne Chris Arnott christopherarnott@hotmail.com is trying to get classes started at http://www.melbmartialarts.com.au/timetable while David Stone black_jack73@hotmail.com is adding sambo to his wide array of styles at http://www.guardiandefence.com/

We are desperately in need of anyone from Adelaide who may wish to help develop this sport in SA or indeed anyone from any other regional centres across Australia.

In Christchurch our friend Demitri Korzh nzsambo@gmail.com is the man to contact at the NZ Sambo Federation www.nz-sambo.itgo.com

Our good friend Andrew Seyderhelm andrew@systemaaustralia.com of Systema Australia is helping us to spread the word across the land by holding seminars as per his website www.systemaaustralia.com while the martial art supplier Weapons Plus http://www.weaponsplus.com.au/Sambo-Uniforms/ is already offering sambo kurtka jackets for sale.

The ASF is recognised by FIAS the International Sambo Federation http://www.sambo.com/index-en.html & has a close relationship with the American Sambo Association http://www.ussambo.com/ but we are currently negotiating a contract with Wrestling Australia Inc http://www.wrestling.com.au/ & their state affiliates for them to include sambo within their diversity of wrestling styles so we can utilise their wrestling mats, experience & competitor insurance for tournaments, we want these tournaments to begin early next year so we can select a team to represent Australia at international events for the first time. This site here has several links for international sambo http://samboubc.tripod.com/links.htm for anyone interested in researching the subject more.

If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to get in contact. (coreeda@optusnet.com.au) We have come a long way in a very short time but obviously we still have a very long way to go. None of this could have happened without the patience & hard work of all involved but we need you now to all do your bits to spread the word that Australian sambo is growing, we will soon be ready to take on the world.

Gavin Dickson
Secretary ASF

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