"Бег" Булгакова на сцене в Сиднее

Posted 16 September 2010 · (4643 views) · 1 comment

"Бег" Булгакова на сцене в Сиднее

В Национальном институте драматического искусства NIDA в Сиднее начались репетиции спектакля по пьесе Михаила Булгакова "Бег".

Режиссер-постановщик профессор из Санкт-Петербурга Сергей Черкасский рассказал редакции газеты «Единение», что репетиции проходят с утра и до вечера в институте NIDA, расположенном в сиднейском районе Кенсингтон. Артисты-студенты готовятся к премьере, которая запланирована на 27 октября.

Профессор С.Черкасский приехал в Сидней специально для участия в постановке известной пьесы русского писателя на тему гражданской войны и эммиграции из России участников Белого движения.

Учитывая, что среди наших соотечественников, живущих здесь, немало детей и внуков солдат и офицеров Белой армии, спектакль будет вдвойне интересен для русских австралийцев.

Биография профессора Сергея Черкассого.

S E R G E I D. T C H E R K A S K I

Theatre Director & Professor of Acting and Directing, Ph. D.

E-mail: sergei@ST1676.spb.edu

Sergei TCHERKASSKI has an MFA as a Director (Honour Diploma, 1985) from the Leningrad Institute of Theatre and Cinematography (now St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy). He has directed one film Khmelita and many classical and modern Russian plays (Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Griboyedov, Erdman) as well as Shakespeare, Shaw, Shaffer, T.Wilder, Musset and Anoilh in St. Petersburg and leading Russian State theatres (Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Smolensk, Krasnoyarsk). He has been Artistic Director of one of the leading companies outside capitals — the Pushkin Drama Theatre (Krasnoyarsk); Director at the Litejni in St. Petersburg; and Mossoviet Academic Theatre in Moscow. Two of his productions -Dangerous Liaisons and Great Catherine — were running in St. Petersburg till last season for twelve and sixteen years respectively.

His other productions includes Measure for Measure by Shakespeare and Our Town by T.Wilder (2005–2006) as well as adaptation of Vasiliy Shukshin’s stories Open Hearts (2009) at the Academy, international credits includes Duck-Hunting by Vampilov (2007) and Great Catherine by G. B. Shaw (2000) at RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London), Dear Elena Sergeevna by L. Razumovskaya at Stover Theatre, USA (2001), General Inspector by N. Gogol at National Theater «I. L. Caragiale», Bucharest, Romania (2002), and Etudes on Hercules at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center’s National Theatre Institute, US (2003).

Sergei Tcherkasski is also Professor of Acting and Directing and the Head of Acting Studio at the St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy (the largest theatre educational institution in Russia, founded in 1779). For eight years (2000–2008) he was Vice-Rector for International Relations and had organized numerous international collaborations. His Ph. D. work was devoted to the director’s education in Russian theater school of XX cent. The Academy students directed by Prof. Tcherkasski in Researching Angelo and in A Play in Forty-Four Hands participated and won prizes in the six international and domestics festivals, toured in Moscow and Buryatia and were honored to show fifteen performances at Maly Drama Theater — Theater Europe lead by Lev Dodin in 2000–2002. His other students became awarded actors and directors including the nominees and winners of Golden Mask Award (highest national theater award in Russia). Prof. Tcherkasski was bestowed a title of Honoured Artist of Buryatia for teaching actors.
He also leads a course on dialogue between directors and designers for set designers at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture).

As one of the few Russian directors with fluent spoken English he has directed and taught at the Royal Court Theatre International Summer School (presentation of Ptushkina’s The Lamb, London, 1997) and RADA (1998, 2000, 2007 in London). During last ten years he has also lectured and led his Modern Stanislavski Workshops in more than fifteen leading theatre schools of the world at US (Yale, Stanford, New York University, the American Conservatory Theatre, the Catholic University of America at Washington D.C.; California State, Ohio State, Oregon State Universities, Stetson etc.), UK (RADA, Central School of Speech and Drama, Goldsmiths College, Rose Bruford College, LAMDA), South Korea (Korean National University of Arts, SangMyung University), Italy (Accademia Nazionale D’Arte Drammatica «Silvio D’Amigo» in Rome, 2004, Universita degli Studi di Palermo 2000, 2004, Prima del Teatro, San Mineato — 2006), Sweden (Dramatisca Institute — 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008), Finland (Theatre Academy, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, Stadia, 2006), South Africa (University of Cape Town, 2005), China (Central Academy of Drama, Beijing, 2005, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 2010), Denmark (National Theatre School — Statens Teaterskole 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), Japan (JOKO Acting School, 2007, 2008, 2009, Toho Gakuen College, 2008, 2009, New National Theater Drama Studio, 2009), Australia (NIDA, Queensland University of Technology, 2010)
He was lecturing at ELIA Teachers Academy in Spain (2003), Holland (2005) and ELIA Biennale at Switzerland (2004), and led Chekhov workshop at the World Festival of Drama Schools in Mexico organized by ITI — UNESCO in May 2004. In March 2007 he lead workshop and co-chaired colloquium Stanislavsky Technique in Britain and Russia with Jean-Norman Benedetti for the teachers of Conference of Drama Schools of UK. In April 2009 he led workshop and delivered a paper Stanislavski System: first 100 years at Stanislavsky in Finland Colloquium at Center for practice as Research in Theater, Tampere University

He also led workshops for professional actors and directors — «The Seagull» in the Mirror of Stanislavsky System for international actors at CIFAS, Brussels, 2005, workshop on acting/directing for Sweden Directors Guild (2005) and for Japan Directors Association, Tokyo (2006) and SUBARU Company, Tokyo (2007, 2008), laboratory on Beckett and Stanislavsky for Italian actors of Teatro de Sardegna and Teatro Metastasio di Prato (2006), EXCEL program at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (2010) .
Prof. Tcherkasski list of books and publications in Russian includes twenty titles (available at request). Main of them are Valentin Smishlayev — akter, regisser, pedagog (Valentin Smishlayev — Actor, Director, Theatre Teacher: from the history of theatre education) S.Petersburg, 2004. 80 p.; Regissura Sulimova ili predoshucshenie pedagogiki — Sulimov’s productions or Pre-sensation of the pedagogy in Sulimov, Mar Posvyashenie v regissuru- Initiation To The Directing S.Petersburg, 2004 (60 pages preface to the book of his teacher, Professor of St. Petersburg Theater Arts Academy in 1960-90-ties, which Tcherkasski edited and published).
His current research interests are connected with spread of Stanislavsky in the world — dissemination, transformation, and misunderstanding. He is especially interested in comparative analysis of Stanislavsky and Strasberg, Meisner, Adler, etc.
Since 2004 Prof. Tcherkasski is the Board member of ELIA (European League of the Institutes of the Arts).

St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy. Last update — January 2010

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