Alumni of the Harbin Polytechnic Institute are marking ninety-five years this year since the day the educational institution commenced operations. The Institute, founded for training up specialists for work in the field of rail transport, not only had a large role in the development of Chinese industry, but also gave an education in engineering to a large number of Russian students who later left for different countries around the world. Victor Mikhailovich Ignatenko, president of the HPI engineers’ association in Sydney, was one of the last Russian students who studied at the civil engineering faculty at HPI and told us about how his study and later life went.
The most important product of my life
Posted 23 October 2017 · (4788 views)
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Samuel Brotchie 4 years ago
Self-corrections for improved accuracy of English translation of the original article:
1. We had a separate group for Russian students -> We had a separate group of Russians
2. Chinese authorities were striving to cleanse Harbin -> The Chinese were striving to cleanse Harbin -
Alex 7 years ago
Мне бабушка рассказывала про Харбин и о том как сестры и братья вынуждены были уехать из Харбина ,взяв с собой только необходимые вещи.Только все разделились кто в Австралию ,кто в СССР,а кто в Канаду.Так и разошлась фамилия Шемелины по континентам . Трудное время было...
Мальвина 7 years ago
Харбинец-Виктор Игнатенко! Я сестра Туси Левитиной и прекрасно помню Вас по Харбину. У Вас с ней была общая компания друзей, Девик Волков, Сева Подольский, Коля Кузьминский и другие. Помню и Вашу жену, Милу Гриценко. Я с удовольствием прочитала Вашу статью. Всего доброго.