Лишь бы не было войны!

Posted 1 May 2017 · (4545 views)

Уже больше ста лет страна отмечает очень важную для себя дату — день АНЗАК. 25 апреля в Австралии разворачивают знамена всех боевых подразделений, когда-либо принимавших участие в боях. АНЗАК (ANZAC) — аббревиатура от слов Австралийский и новозеландский армейский корпус. Впервые это название было использовано для обозначения отряда солдат, высадившихся на полуострове Галлиполи в Турции 25 апреля 1915 года в ходе Первой мировой войны.

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  • Max 8 years ago

    In the Russian Federation since recent time such security agencies as national guard and military police on the basis of the Federal law of July 3, 2016 N 226-FZ "About troops of national guard of the Russian Federation" and the federal law "About Military Police of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" have been created. It means that the power has decided to use power methods of the solution of questions with the population and the military personnel of the Russian Federation. These laws provide an opportunity use of physical force and weapon against citizens without sanction of the prosecutor and court and in some cases concerning persons with strong indications of disability, pregnant women and juveniles. Also they in certain cases provide an opportunity not to inform court and prosecutor's office of the event at all. The former Minister of Defence Anatoly Serdyukov received a new position. He became the industrial director of an aviation cluster of Rostec state corporation earlier he was accused of the negligence which entailed large damage. Ulyukaev Alexey Valentinovich Rossiysky state and political figure, Doctor of Economics, poet. The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was detected in the act from June 24, 2013 to November 15, 2016 at taking of a bribe under house arrest at present was decided not to detain him. Victor Aleksandrovich Pomoshchnikprezidenta of Republic of Belarus on a homeland security... was the lieutenant of frontier service who 10 years ago he is in the future?