"Три сестры" А.Чехова в Сиднее

Posted 26 July 2016 · (4255 views) · 1 people like this

"Три сестры" А.Чехова в Сиднее

Пьеса Антона Павловича Чехова "Три сестры" в Сиднее на сцене Sport For Jove и The Seymour Centre. В постановке Кевина Джексона. С 28 июля по 13 августа.

A lifetime dedicated to Chekhov’s work brings Kevin Jackson to Three Sisters, in the intimate surrounds of the Reginald Theatre. Minute and idiosyncratic details set against devastating flares of emotion define this universal masterpiece by one the world’s greatest playwrights. Sport For Jove’s production combines faith and bold invention, with an outstanding team of actors and creatives for a beautiful and rewarding experience in the theatre.

Three Sisters reveals a community of friends in a small provincial city, Perm, an army garrison-city in the time of Romanov Russia of 1901, centred around the Prozorov family: Olga, Masha, Irina and Andrey, who have aspirational dreams of returning to the whirl of living in what they remember as a glamorous Moscow. We visit the sisters at four different moments in their lives over a span of time of some four years; a name day party; a ‘pancake’ celebration before the season of Lent; in the midst of a town disaster, a fire; and at the leaving of the garrison from the city. The play is a humorous and forensic revelation of ordinary people living their lives in the wearing ‘everydayness’ we all know of while dreaming of something and somewhere that may be more exciting.

The production is part of The Anton Project, a study over several months of Chekhov’s life and work, including Russian history, dance, writing, culture and even cooking! All are welcome to a series of talks and events in the months leading up to the production of Three SIsters. Full details at sportforjove.com.au/antonproject

Three Sisters is part of the Reginald Season 2016.

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