Министр мультикультурной политики НЮУ поздравил с Днем России

Posted 13 June 2016 · (3012 views)

Министр мультикультурной политики НЮУ поздравил с Днем России

MESSAGE FROM THE HON JOHN AJAKA MLC Minister for Multiculturalism Russian National Day 2016

I am delighted to send greetings to the many Russian Australians on the occasion of Russia Day this year.
This was first celebrated in 1991 after the dissolution of the United States of Soviet Republics, paving the way for democracy.
Nowadays about 75,000 Australians claim Russian ancestry, bringing their culture, language and heritage to many areas of Australian life.
The New South Wales Government is proud of the many contributions made by generations of Russian migrants.
I am pleased to offer my best wishes to everyone celebrating Russia Day this year.

John Ajaka MLC
Minister for Multiculturalism

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