Лекция о Миклухо-Маклае в Сиднее

Posted 14 July 2013 · (5081 views)

Ассоциация Антиподы приглашает во вторник 16 июля в 6.30 вечера на лекцию профессора Вонсборо о Николае Миклухо-Маклае.

Dear friends, David Wansbrough invites you to his lecture about Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay, Russian scientist and traveller who established the first Australian marine biology and made notes for 41 aboriginal dictionaries. David Wansbough made 40 paintings to illustrate his lecture. The lecture will take place at 307 Sussex Street, Sydney, Tuesday, 16 July, 6.30. If you do not want to be included in our e-mail list, just let us know.

Best regards, Antipodes Association 23 Belgium St Riverwood NSW 2210 Australia

Phone: +61 (2) 8503 8944 antipodes.au@gmail.com


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