Встреча молодых предпринимателей

Posted 22 May 2013 · (4244 views)

Встреча молодых предпринимателей

С 15 по 17 июня в Москве под эгидой G20 состоится встреча молодых предпринимателей мира.

Компания Lighthouse Communication прислала в редакцию информацию о встрече молодых предпринимателей в Москве. Двадцать человек отобраны в Австралии. Один из них, наш соотечественник Сергей Сергиенко из Сиднея. Перед поездкой в Москву участники поездки соберутся 30 мая в русском ресторане "Романс" в районе Кингсфорд.

The G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance will be held this year in Moscow from 15 to 17 June. (Next year here in Australia).

Twenty delegates have been chosen to represent Australia. Among them is Sergei Sergienko from Edway Training (I am currently trying to source a better, bigger file photo of Sergei and will forward as soon as I get it):

The delegation leaves Sydney on June 13. They will be focusing on these key issues and contributing their experiences and ideas from Australia:

Access to finance for entrepreneurial growth ventures
Educational programs and other ecosystem factors that support young entrepreneurs
IT and/or green growth innovation
Social business and social enterprise

I have attached the Summit agenda, a one page summary, a bio of Jeremy Liddle, who is leading the Australian Summit delegation and bios of those attending representing Australia.

These annual YEA summits come under the G20 umbrella and a detailed communiqué is released on the final day which is then put before the full G20 Summit later in the year.

The entrepreneurs, men and women, range from their early 20’s to late 30’s. Some are start-ups and others have been successfully growing their businesses for some years.

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