Новая книга "Все дороги ведут в Шанхай"

Posted 11 April 2013 · (4009 views)

Новая книга "Все дороги ведут в Шанхай"

Клио Каладукас написала книгу воспоминаний о жизни в Шанхае в 30-40 годы. Книга написана на английском языке и продается на amazon.com

I have just self-published a book which is available for sale through amazon.com.  It is a memoir of my life growing up in Shanghai during the 1930s and 1940s and traces the background of my family - my Greek father and my White Russian mother- both displaced from their homeland through revolutions.  I have carried out quite a bit of research to give a background to the era in which we lived: a very unsettling time when the Japanese occupation, World War II and then the Chinese civil war constantly upset the peace of the residents of Shanghai.  I believe there are many Russians who have lived in China and have settled here and who may be interested in reading my book, thereby reviving memories of their lives in China.  My book is written in English.  I have a website www.allroadsledtoshanghai.com.

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