ВЫПУСКНОЙ БАЛ 2022 Русской школы в Конкорде (Сидней)

Posted 16 June 2022 · (1374 views) · 2 people like this

16 сентября

Debutante Ball 2022 tickets are available now. We are inviting everyone to join this spectacular event.
    When: September 16, 18:30
    Whren: The Grand Ballroom Renaissance Westella (3 New St East, Lidcombe)
Early bird special until 30 June:
    $130 - Adults
    $115 - Students
    $70  -  Children under 12
To secure tickets please make payment to:
    St.Alexandеr Nevsky Events
    BSB: 633 000
    ACC: 152 151 742
    Reference: Name and Number of each Ticket Type
Example: Smith 2A 1S 1C. This will mean the payment is for 2 adults, 1 student, and 1 child. Tickets are under the name of Smith.

Please accompany your payment with an email to ball.a.nevsky.sydneyschool@gmail.com. Your email should include the following details for each guest in your group:

    Full name of the guest
    Age ( if younger then 18yrs)
    Seating preference
    Dietary requirements
    Mobile contact number for COVID safety plan.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Sincerely yours,
Ball parents committee


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