Triple anniversary of Nina Mikhailovna Christesen

Posted 9 November 2021 · (2089 views) · 5 people like this

The basis of every nation is its language and culture, this is obvious. But it is not so obvious that to preserve them - both at home, and especially in a foreign land - true dedication is needed, and this is often the lot of individuals. It happens that they are barely noticeable, do not have high ranks and positions, but they are always distinguished by a noble soul. Such a person was Nina Mikhailovna Christesen.

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  • наташа 1 year ago

    Одна из фотографий неправильно подписана. На ней не Андрей Вознесенский а Евгений Евтушенко.

    • unification 1 year ago

      Спасибо - Поправили. Ред.

  • Tatiana 3 years ago

    Прекрасная статья! Вот такие замечательные люди, как Нина Михайловна и являются стержнем укрепления взаимоотношений и взаимопониманий между двумя нашими странами - Россией и Австралией. Вечная ей память!