The editors of the Russian community newspaper in Australia "Edinenie" Unification received a present on their 70th birthday - a congratulatory letter from the country's Prime Minister Scott Morrison. It was on December 2, 1950 in Melbourne that the first issue of the All-Australian Russian newspaper was published.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's letter to the Unification newspaper
Olya Melnikova 4 years ago
Уважаемые Володя и Оля,
Поздравляю с Юбилеем Газеты!
повторяю - газета нам нужна вчера, сегодня и завтра; спасибо за ваш кропотливый труд, желаю доброго здоровья и творческих сил на многая лета.
Оля Мельникова.