Sydney Russian Cathedral celebrates patronal feast

Posted 12 July 2020 · (1833 views)

Sydney Russian Cathedral celebrates patronal feast
12 июля 2020. В русском Петропавловском соборе Сиднея отмечают престольный праздник.

On July 12, on their feast day, they held a divine liturgy in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Sydney Strathfield area. The service was headed by Bishop George of Canberra, served by Archpriest George Lapardin and Priest Mikhail Storozhev, Protodeacons Alexander Kotlyarov, Konstantin Moshegov and Deacon Martin Naef. Festive service was held in a completely different way. Usually on this day the temple is filled with worshipers, this time due to the situation with the coronavirus, only a certain number of parishioners could take a direct part, being in the cathedral. The rest participated in the service online, watching on a computer from their homes.

Usually on this day the temple is filled with worshipers, this time due to the situation with the coronavirus, only a certain number of parishioners could directly participate in the cathedral. The rest participated in the service online, watching on a computer from their homes.
The church warden, Alexei Sergeyevich Plyushch, told the editor that the parish council had done a great deal of preparation. In addition to the usual tasks - cleaning and decorating the hall - this time it was necessary to fulfill all the recommendations of medical experts. Hand antiseptics were prepared, 70 places for worshipers were marked so that they were at a safe distance, lists of those who would participate in the service were drawn up in advance and their contact information was collected.
It should be noted that although this year there were not many people in the church, the service was still very solemn. The church choir sang beautifully under the direction of Andrei Laptev. Although the choir was required to sing with reduced numbers, this did not affect the organic and beautiful sound of church hymns.
In his sermon, Bishop George said that before the service he looked at photographs of the patronal feast last year, when the cathedral was filled with worshipers. This year we are forced to conduct a festive service in special conditions, the Bishop noted. He spoke about the gospel events associated with the the holy apostles Peter and Paul, as well as their martyrdom for their faith.
Bishop George noted that the consul general of Russia I.N Arzhaev, his wife, as well as the spouse and son of the Russian ambassador A.V. Pavlovsky, were present in the church.
Certificates were awarded to three members of the parish, who put a lot of work and knowledge to repair and maintain the order of the building of the cathedral and the surrounding area.
67 years ago, Archbishop Theodore consecrated this Orthodox church in Sydney. Since 1953, it is the cathedral and the main Russian Orthodox church in the city. On Easter and the main holidays here, up to a thousand worshipers attend services. In the parish hall, renovated a couple of years ago, the sisterhood of the church, together with the head sister A. Nikitenko, holds many events for parishioners and guests. In a two-story building near the cathedral, classes of the Russian school are regularly held.
At the end of the service, Bishop George thanked the priests, the parish council and all those present at the festive service and wished everyone good health. The clergy of the cathedral, along with the choir, sang “Many years!”

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