Художнику Павлу Химину – 95

Опубликовано 13 Июль 2009 · (4253 views) · 3 people like this

Старейшина русских художников в Австралии Павел Михайлович Химин отметил свой 95-летний юбилей среди друзей в Русском клубе.

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  • Jeremy Keane 2 years ago

    My apologies I meant his daughter Eva who lives in Germany. If anyone lnows if they can contact her I will forward photographsn of her dad and (possibly her mother).

  • Jeremy 2 years ago

    A great man. I have photographs of him with friends on picnic with my dearest friend Nina Shudnat he he corresponded with. I think he is wife and maybe daughter are in the photos too. Would love to be able to get in touch with his daughter Natalie

    Jeremy Keane