Обращение председателя Русского дома Мельбурна

Опубликовано 9 Январь 2021 · (1626 views) · 1 people like this

Русский дом в Мельбурне. 118 Greeves Street, Fitzroy, VIC 3065. Председатель: Г. М. Лаврин. Секретарь: Л.В.Журавлева.

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  • Andrew Carey 4 years ago

    Will the Kremlin allow you to comment on Vladimir Putins' wealth uncovered by Mr Alexei Navalny? This wealth, in the billions of US dollars, has been stolen by Putin according to Mr Navalny and now to silence any further criticism of this dictator Mr Navalny has been silenced. Will there be anyone from Russia with the courage to speak up against this corrupt dictator or are you all to frightened ? History has already been written about Putin and his corrupt ways and with this he has dragged the whole of the Russian people to allow him to be this way. Only the likes of Mr Navalny can claim to be a true, courageous, and honest Russian. I look forward to your reply