60 лет со дня основания скита святого Иоанна Крестителя, Кентлин

Опубликовано 25 Октябрь 2020 · (1804 views)

60 лет со дня основания скита святого Иоанна Крестителя, Кентлин

2020 год - праздничный год для скита - ему исполняется 60 лет с момента его основания в 1960 году монахом Гурием, беженцем из коммунистического Китая. Епископ Георгий не смог отслужить литургию на скитский праздник в начале этого года. Однако в субботу 31 октября мы организуем более скромный праздник. Мы приглашаем всех сиднейских священнослужителей, их прихожан и всех друзей скита прийти в скит в тот день в 11:30, когда Его Преосвященство епископ Георгий отслужит молебен святому Иоанну Крестителю, после чего состоится трапеза.

This will provide an opportunity for clergy and parishioners of the Sydney Russian parishes to come on pilgrimage to the Skete, light a candle to St John the Forerunner, venerate the Skete icons, the many relics of Russian saints that adorn our temporary church, and to visit Father Guri's small cave where he spent so many hours each day in hesychastic prayer.

While we value our hidden life here at Kentlyn, there are many, many Sydney Orthodox who don't know where we are. We hope this may be an opportunity to introduce you to this humble portion of our diocesan history, and our ongoing rebuilding programme.

You are all invited to come and pray with us on the day, and we will serve you lunch in the quiet surrounds of the neighbouring Russian Villlage Community Hall. The Molieben will be served outside and take about 40 minutes. There is plenty of room to maintain social distancing and other necessary measures - please wear a mask if you are at all concerned.

Google maps can provide you with directions to the Skete.

For those who prefer, a free bus has been arranged for the return trip to Kentlyn. The bus will leave Centennial Park Church at 8.00am; Croydon church at 8.30am;  Strathfield church at 8.45am; Fairfield church at  9.25am; Cabramatta church at 9.40am. Bookings for the bus are essential - please contact Elena on 0435010177. We look forward to seeing you on the day.

Pilgrims and visitors are welcome at any time.

Below are the details if you would like to make a donation towards the rebuilding of the Skete via direct deposit or internet banking:

Commonwealth Bank
St John the Baptist Skete - Building Account
BSB  06 2128
Account number: 1027 0613

In Christ

Father Joachim


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