Александр Демидов: талант — это трудолюбие

Опубликовано 8 Июль 2019 · (4076 views) · 7 people like this

В беседе с редактором «Единения» Александр Евдокимович Демидов рассказывает о русской театральной жизни 50-60-х годов в Харбине и Сиднее, о своей первой роли в театре и о том, как сделать свой парк.

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  • Tatiana Roumeliotis (nee Kostezky) 6 years ago

    I am very privileged to have known Mr Alexander Demidov and his late wife Mrs Nina Demidov since I was 10 years old. They were very good friends of my God father and his wife and also became close friends of my parents. Mr Alexander and Mrs Nina Demidov also did some travelling to the former USSR in the late 1980s and made some videos of their trips. I still have those and love to watch them. They both opened my eyes to the Russian culture and music. God Bless Mr Alexander Demidov.